
Schiek: 2004 Lifting Belt

Original price was: 45.10 €.Current price is: 44.00 €.

Perfectly Contoured!

Wear The Patented And Durable Support Belts That The Pro’s Use!

  • Patented downward angle fits the natural shape of your back
  • Patented hip and rib contour for extra comfort
  • Patented one way Velcro for an exact fit
  • Belts widen in front for extra abdominal support
  • Dual closure system with heavy duty stainless steel slide bar buckle



Our 2004 Model Lifting Belt features our 3 patents including a one-way velcro closure, a downward angle to fit the natural shape of your back and a hip and rib contour for added comfort. The 2004 belt is 4.75.” wide in the back and comes with a 2 year warranty. It’s unique size makes it ideal for everything from squatting 500 lbs. to moving around furniture. Proudly made in the USA! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sem augue, vehicula a ullamcorper eget, condimentum sed diam. Pellentesque magna risus, imperdiet sed congue ut, laoreet sit amet velit. Proin eget sodales augue, eget facilisis libero. Praesent eu aliquet leo. Donec et ipsum ornare, accumsan lacus nec, varius leo. Pellentesque id tortor rhoncus, vestibulum nulla at, iaculis mauris. Curabitur ultrices vestibulum nunc, in accumsan ligula consequat dignissim. Proin imperdiet ligula eros, eget congue dolor rutrum sit amet. Vestibulum pharetra dolor velit, id elementum justo euismod nec. Phasellus hendrerit purus eget lacus gravida ornare. Praesent vel ligula eu turpis malesuada sagittis. Nullam sollicitudin molestie lacus eu iaculis. Sed felis lacus, tincidunt ut sapien ut, semper pellentesque nibh. Donec ac lectus id arcu posuere vestibulum. Praesent a ipsum enim. Aenean nec elit nunc. Nunc justo elit, volutpat ac iaculis non, luctus sit amet metus.

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